Yesterday I found myself thankful for a great inner GPS system since I got lost in the West Medford and Arlington areas. I missed a turn on my 16 mile long run and realized that I'd have to "punt" my route from there. Making a quick mental map of where I thought I was, I calculated roughly where I should turn to get back near the original route and luckily, I was right on. The downside to all of this that my run through the Arlington Hills turned out to be hillier than I had original plan. The 2nd half of the run was flat or slightly downhill for the most part so things balanced out. I finished in 2:20:43 -- not breaking a speed record but I've been trying to focus on my pacing for the past couple of weeks.I'm starting to think a lot about how to become a better runner -- understanding the impact of form on my runs, feeling out different paces, knowing how the food I eat impacts my body. There is so much to learn but I feel like I'm a few steps ahead of where I was last year at this time which is all I can ask for...much like adding mileage, the improvements happen from run to run in small increments.
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