Pesach Marathon Prep Test Kitchen I
Today's experiment: drinksIngredients:
1/4 water bottle of OJ
3/4 water bottle of water
1/4 teaspoon of salt
I thought I'd pick something easy to try and test for a Powerade substitute come marathon day. This one tastes better than fruit punch that has been watered down! I found that it worked well -- the salt seemed adequate to offer fuel to the muscles but I want to do some research on what the optimal amount is.
For those who want to make sure you get enough salt on marathon day, carry a pesach friendly boullion cube with you on the course -- crush it up and eat it periodically during the race. I highly recommend trying anything new during training to see how your body adjusts. It sounds gross, I know, but it works well!
Next week's test kitchen adventure: Gu substitute!
Jesse! a friend of mine just sent me a link to your blog...i've been trying (somewhat passively) to find others running boston this year and observing pesach...i was actually thinking it would be great if we could get a bunch of people who are running together and each of us have a few friends set up a table with pesadic drinks to share with all pesach-observing runners. i was also thinking while we're all touching base it would be really cool to raise money for some freedom-related tzedakah. what do you think about either of these ideas? thanks for your tips...i was thinking i might also carbo load on quinoa and maybe have some pesadic muffins the morning of the race. i'm a little concerned abt getting enough protein without eating too much fat the few days before the marathon. i don't eat meat or dairy which complicates things even further...
I have some folks who will be along the route with pesadic food/drink and they will have extras. Once I figure out what they'll be wearing, I'll post it so folks can grab stuff from them.
If others want to have people on the course that would be great!
As for fundraising, I'm working to raise $10,000 for Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge so that for me is the tzedakah for Pesach. I would love it if folks would join the effort to help DFMC meet their goal by donating to DFMC (link on the main page)
The quinoa could be a good idea -- I'll have to test it on a long run here soon as I transition my diet to be similar to race day. Protein is one that I'm also thinking about -- I'll post more when I figure it out.
Thanks for reading!
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