Feeling Hardcore...
I ran 14 or so miles before heading into the office yesterday...although this year, I've been less fanatical about my training I still felt, just for a moment, a little hardcore...the run was great. My co-workers always give me a hard time when I get to the office at 8 having already run more than a half marathon and eating everything in sight! I got up at 3:30 and was out the door an hour later -- there was no one on the road since we had more than a foot of snow on Sunday which made for a nice run. I averaged around 9:40 per mile over the course of the run and felt like I could have run another couple of miles if time had allowed.Donations are starting to come in again -- I received a few today from co-workers and family members. A collegue of mine is a member of a shul on the marathon route and I'm hoping to talk to them about both sponsorship and having food for Pesach observant runners on the course...great project for a youth group I think! I keep forgetting to email Jack Fultz (our DFMC coach) and ask him to address eating before, during, and after the race for those of us who are observing Pesach. I know that atleast one other person on the team is impacted by Pesach and I've heard from a number of other runners as well.
For those who have emailed from out of town to ask about where to eat Marathon weekend, your options are unfortunately few. I would recommend buying food at the Butcherie in Brookline since I am not aware of any restaurants where you will be able to eat. Another option is to contact a local shul and ask if they can match you with an individual or family for meals that weekend. I keep hoping that a shul in the area will figure a pre-marathon or post-marathon party out but I'm realizing more and more that the assumption is that when it comes to marathoning "Jews don't do that...". Incorrect, but part of the stereotype I'm afraid.
If any Jewish marathon gatherings come together, you'll read it here so keep checking in....
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