Successful Adventures In Parenting Part I
Last night Yoni and ventured out together for the first non-coffee house solo outing last night to the DFMC team meeting. I wasn't sure how taking him to the meeting was going to go but he did really well. He spent most of the meeting either sleeping or flirting with staff and team members.I did learn the importance of double checking the top of the bottle before giving it to him. I was having a conversation with a teammate when he began to indicate he was hungry -- I made my way over the the diaper bag to get the bottle (still having a conversation and feeling like "hey, maybe I can do this runner parent thing afterall) when all of the sudden, milk began pouring out of the bottle when I gave it to an idiot, all I could get out of my mouth was "uhh no, uhh no..." Thankfully the woman that I was talking to grabbed the bottle out of my hand and wiped off with a napkin, tightened the lid, and gave it to me -- all before the baby could realize the bottle was gone....ahhh, adventures in parenting!
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