Monday, January 30, 2006

Flu season strikes...and doubt creeps in

19 minute 5k time on Friday and on Saturday morning, I wake up with the flu...sigh. Last week I had a great training week -- 2 fabulous runs and some good cross training. Unfortunately, my long run for the week was hijacked by a runny nose, fever, and headache. I called in sick to work this morning (which almost never happens) and am hoping that some rest and my partner's "soup to wake the dead" will allow me to do a run tomorrow.

This does mean, however, that I've lost 2 long runs in a row and now I'm starting to panic over my performance at the Boston Marathon. I'm trying to remind myself that running sick only leads to more lost runs but right now I WANT TO BE OUT RUNNING!

What do those of you reading this do when sick ( I know you are out there -- my counter says someone is reading this....) Any advice from blog land?


At 1:50 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

Hey Jesse,

Great blog!!
I’ve missed a few long runs earlier on in my training due to a couple sinus infections. I wouldn’t worry about it to much especially being so early on in training!! For a period I was getting sick every month, eventually I realized I was overtraining basically running my immune system into the ground!! Taking a rest day every now-and-then and including some recovery runs has greatly helped; I’ve even noticed a boost in performance.

See you on the roads!!

Fellow DFMC teammate and blogger,



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