Sunday, January 22, 2006


I've been noticing that after playing with my 2 month old son -- especially when I've been bouncing him (mostly to put him to sleep), that the inside of my left knee has been sore. At times, like today just before my long run, it has hurt so much and so sharply that I haven't been able to run. The pain is very localized and I am becoming increasingly frustrated.

This afternoon after making all of my long run preparations, I realized that the area was too sore to push off effectively so I boycotted the run in favor of icing followed by some time on the elliptical trainer at the gym. Unfortunately, while I still got a workout in, this means that I'll be running home from work and then some for my long run in snow, sleet, and rain...

I need to pay better attention to how I'm holding him so that this doesn't continue -- I have to be able to make my mileage every week and I can't do that if I'm injured...

12 weeks to go...must run, must raise $$!


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